Fishing is a fun way for players to earn ACNH Bells and support Blathers' museum in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. This guide covers fishing locations, shadow identification tips, fish prices, and more!

Fishing Locations

Different water areas harbor distinct fish varieties throughout the year. Some prime spots include:

  • Ocean - Tuna, Sea Bass, Red Snapper etc.
  • Rivers - Koi, Carp, Catfish etc.
  • Ponds - Ranchu Goldfish, Frogs etc.
  • Pier - Crab, Sea Butterfly etc.

Equipment Needed

A Fishing Rod purchased from the Nooklings is essential. Wooden is slowest but cheaper, while Gold provides the best odds. Bait like Fish Food or Manilla Clams used when fishing increases catch rates.

Shadow Identification

Subtle shadows indicate the size of fish below. Use this guide to target catches:

  • Size 1 (Smallest): Carp, Killifish etc.
  • Size 2: Tilapia, Yellow Perch etc.
  • Size 3: Bluegill, Neon Tetra etc.
  • Size 4: Sea Bass, Papa Bear etc.
  • Size 5 (Largest): Arapaima, Blue Whale etc.

Casting and Reeling

Cast towards shadow center for best chance. Reel when the fish bites - do so slowly to extend play and earn more points towards Nook Miles goals.

Fish Availabilities

Many fish are seasonal, so aim to catch what's available per month.

Scaling and Mounting

Catch fish of adequate size, then donate to Blathers or sell raw. Mounting via Flick earns a trophy version worth triple the coins.

Fish Prices

Rarer catches and their mounted forms sell for high ACNH Bells at Nook's Cranny or to Flick:

  • Coelacanth - 15,000 Bells (45,000 mounted)
  • Oarfish - 10,000 Bells (30,000 mounted)
  • Sea Butterfly - 8,000 Bells (12,000 mounted)
  • Golden Trout - 4,000 Bells (12,000 mounted)
  • Common Fish - 100-1,000 Bells (300-3,000 mounted)

Fishing Tournaments

Special tournaments hosted by C.J. award extra prizes like models and trophies for cashing in the most or rarest catches.

Nook Miles Goals

Daily and seasonal goals reward bonus Miles for catches like 3 Black Bass, 5 carp etc. Perfect for farming currency.

Fish Bait Making

Craft Manilla Clams into Bait using a Workbench to boost elusive shadows and farming rupees.

Storing Catches

Fresh catches may be placed in household Refrigerators until sold or donated. A full inventory means no more fishing until delivery.

Time Traveling

Visit different months and hours to catch rare seasonal fish no longer available. Just beware turnips spoiling!

Fishing Etiquette

Be respectful of shared hotspots. Communicate and do not trample flowers or pull weeds belonging to other players.

Displaying Your Haul

Show off mounted trophies, models and catches creatively around your island via custom aquariums, underwater museums and outdoors.

Final Tips

With practice, knowledge of tides and seasons, you'll be reeling in big profits and donations in no time. Most importantly, enjoy the relaxing activity!